Thomas Oran

Favorite Organizer: Azcanta Tournaments

Achievements in Season 2023

League Points

Premier Regional Local Total
League Points 126 100 13 239
Events 2 2 2 6

Performance per format

Format Record Win ratio Win ratio (excluding draws)
Modern 6 - 5 - 1 50.0% 54.5%
Legacy 7 - 9 - 1 41.2% 43.8%
Overall 13 - 14 - 2 44.8% 48.1%


Archetype Format Event Date
Grixis Delver Legacy The 2. Basilisk Legacy Tournament Sat, 01.02.2025
Izzet Deminix Modern SUL Premier Modern @Erupt Sun, 19.01.2025

Event history

Rank Event Date Type Format League Points Record
28th Le Deck'lic - Modern 2,5K Sun, 15.10.2023 Regional Modern 48 3 - 3 - 0
19th Legacy SUL PREMIER Azcanta Tournaments Sat, 07.10.2023 Premier Legacy 54 2 - 3 - 0
6th Azcanta Tournaments Tournoi Legacy Wed, 04.10.2023 Local Legacy 9 2 - 1 - 0
13th Azcanta Tournaments Modern Lord of the Rings Sat, 01.07.2023 Regional Modern 52 3 - 2 - 1
33rd Legacy SUL Premier Qualifier for European Legacy Masters Sun, 07.05.2023 Premier Legacy 72 3 - 3 - 0
12th Azcanta Tournaments Tournoi Legacy Wed, 03.05.2023 Local Legacy 4 0 - 2 - 1