Organizer guide - Swiss Unity League Season 2025

In this guide, we explain everything you need to know, to register your events for the SUL. If you wish to understand how League Points are awarded to players, and to see more information about the end-of-year Championship tournament, please also read the Player Guide.


The Swiss Unity League (SUL) is a collaborative tournament series between various Magic: the Gathering event organizers in Switzerland. Only the best players will qualify for the end-of-year 2-day Championship tournament with 2.5k prizes.

Any organizer can register their tournament for the league to make it award League Points. Players need to collect these points in order to qualify for the Championship.

Eligible tournaments

All Magic: the Gathering tournaments held in real life are eligible to award points for the SUL.

The 2025 season runs from 01.11.2024 until 31.10.2025 and qualifies for the SUL Championship in November 2025. During that time, you can register all of your MTG events for the league to make them award League Points to the participants. Afterwards the next season begins.

Event types

There are 3 types of events (SUL Local, Regional, and Premier). To each of your tournaments, you can assign one of these types, which defines how many points it awards.

To finance the prize pool of the Championship, organizers pay a fee to run SUL Premier and SUL Regional tournaments. The higher the fee that you pay, the more points your event will award to players. SUL Local tournaments are free to organize.

SUL Local

All your normal events (weekly, FNM, Prerelease) will be SUL Local events. These events don't have a fee and allow you to award extra prizes in the form of League Points to your players for free. Therefore, if your budget is limited, it is still possible to participate in the league by running all of your events as SUL Local and not paying any fees.

SUL Regional

If you wish to make your local events more attractive for people in your canton, you can turn them into SUL Regional events.

For each kind of event you organizer, one of those events per month can be SUL Regional.

Example: If you have a weekly modern event on Wednesday and a weekly legacy event on Friday, you can have among these events 1 Legacy and 1 Modern event be SUL Regional per month. Additionally, you can organize a Modern Regional event on a Saturday and a Legacy Regional event on a Sunday, both with top 8.

Running an SUL Regional event comes with a fee of CHF 1 per participant. Playoffs (top 8 or top 4) are optional for regional events. If your Regional event has playoffs then a further fee of CHF 20 needs to be paid.

SUL Premier

SUL Premier events are the most competitive events of the year. Generally each organizer can host just 1 SUL Premier event pear year and hence people travel all around Switzerland to attend them.

Running an SUL Premier event comes with a fee of CHF 170.

Please contact us at least 1 month before your event for a 2025 SUL Premier event slot.

You may use these logos to label your events on your flyers or website

Event type overview

Event type Limitation per organizer Fee per participant (in CHF) Playoff fee (in CHF)
Local Unlimited free free
Regional For each kind of event 1 Regional per month 1.- 20.-
Premier 1 per season - 170.-

Organizational overhead

We try to make participation in the league as easy as possible by automating many workflows on the website. Here are the remaining tasks required from the tournament organizer's side:

Example: Ajani wants to turn his Saturday Modern event with top 8 into an SUL Regional Event. He creates the event on the website, which is then advertised on the SUL calendar. Ajani's event runs well and attracts 22 players. During the event, he manages the pairings and results as usual with the Eventlink/Companion app. Once the event is over, Ajani downloads the results from Eventlink and uploads them on the SUL website, which immediately updates the ranking. Some time later, Ajani receives an invoice from the League for 22x1 + 20 = 42 CHF, which goes into the prize pool of the Championship.


In the following we provide detailed rules about the SUL as a reference. In general reading everything above will be enough info to participate.

Tournaments participating in the Swiss Unity League must be “Magic: the Gathering” events held in real life. Digital SUL events on MTG Arena, or similar platforms are not allowed.

Magic Tournament Rules

SUL events must follow the official Magic Tournament Rules (MTR). The following additional rules apply:

Tournament requirements

SUL Regional events

For each kind of event you organize, you can have one event of this kind be SUL Regional. Here some examples:

SUL Premier events


Deviation from Guidelines

If you wish to deviate from the league rules for a particular tournament, please contact us in advance.

Labeling your events

To ensure that SUL events are easily recognizable to players, it's important to label them consistently. Therefore, include the following details for each event in the calendar on your own website:

Additionally, you may use these logos to label your events on your flyers or website.

Redeem Championship prizes

The prizes of the SUL Championship 2025 will be paid out in store credits of eligible organizers of SUL. Among all the TOs that offer their store credit (or other prizes), the players can choose freely where they want to redeem them.

To be eligible, a TO needs to pay at least CHF 400 in SUL fees during the Season 2025 (01.11.24-31.10.25).

Finances, liability, and sponsoring

The Swiss Unity League is financed through sponsorships and fees from organizers of SUL Regional and Premier events. The main organizer, the Leonin League association, assumes all financial liability for SUL. If you wish to sponsor the SUL, please contact us.

Swiss Unity League API

The Swiss Unity League offers an Application Programming Interface (API) which allows you to write plugins for the SUL website.

Some possible plugin ideas:

We provide some example code for the API as well as a playground to test your code without showing it on the SUL website. If you are interested in using it and need help, please let us know!