Daniel Käser
Favorite Organizer: Untapdraw
Achievements in Season 2024
League Points
Premier | Regional | Regular | Total | |
QPs | 0 | 0 | 22 | 22 |
Events | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 |
Performance per format
Format | Record | Win ratio | Win ratio (excluding draws) |
Pauper | 4 - 4 - 1 | 44.4% | 50.0% |
Overall | 4 - 4 - 1 | 44.4% | 50.0% |
Archetype | Format | Event | Date |
Spike's Invasion of the Bean | Modern | Swiss Magic Masters: Modern | Sat, 26.10.2024 |
Event History
Rank | Event | Date | Type | Format | League Points | Record |
2nd | Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw | Mon, 02.09.2024 | Regular | Pauper | 9 | 2 - 1 - 0 |
2nd | Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw | Mon, 26.08.2024 | Regular | Pauper | 9 | 2 - 1 - 0 |
7th | Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw | Mon, 19.08.2024 | Regular | Pauper | 4 | 0 - 2 - 1 |