
Alte Kaserne, Technikumstrasse 8, 8403 Winterthur, Zürich (View on Google Maps)


Magic The Gathering community in Winterthur.
Organizing weekly Pauper, Modern and Draft events. Also hosting Pre-release events when new sets are out.
We rent event spaces in Alte Kaserne and Lagerplatz. Both just a few minutes walk from Winterthur HB.
There are WhatsApp chanels for event updates and community chat. Ask somebody at the event for invites!

Usual entry fees
---Modern: 10~15 chf
---Limited: 15~30 chf
---Pauper: 0~5chf

Active Event Series

Event Series Start Date End Date
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Nov. 20, 2024 Nov. 19, 2025
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Nov. 22, 2024 Nov. 21, 2025
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Nov. 25, 2024 Nov. 24, 2025

Upcoming Events

Event Date Type Format
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 27.12.2024 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 30.12.2024 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 01.01.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 03.01.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 06.01.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 08.01.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 10.01.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 13.01.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 15.01.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 17.01.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 20.01.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 22.01.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 24.01.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 27.01.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 29.01.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 31.01.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 03.02.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 05.02.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 07.02.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 10.02.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 12.02.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 14.02.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 17.02.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 19.02.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 21.02.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 24.02.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 26.02.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 28.02.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 03.03.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 05.03.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 07.03.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 10.03.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 12.03.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 14.03.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 17.03.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 19.03.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 21.03.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 24.03.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 26.03.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 28.03.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 31.03.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 02.04.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 04.04.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 07.04.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 09.04.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 11.04.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 14.04.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 16.04.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 18.04.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 21.04.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 23.04.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 25.04.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 28.04.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 30.04.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 02.05.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 05.05.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 07.05.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 09.05.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 12.05.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 14.05.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 16.05.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 19.05.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 21.05.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 23.05.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 26.05.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 28.05.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 30.05.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 02.06.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 04.06.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 06.06.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 09.06.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 11.06.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 13.06.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 16.06.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 18.06.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 20.06.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 23.06.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 25.06.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 27.06.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 30.06.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 02.07.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 04.07.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 07.07.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 09.07.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 11.07.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 14.07.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 16.07.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 18.07.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 21.07.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 23.07.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 25.07.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 28.07.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 30.07.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 01.08.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 04.08.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 06.08.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 08.08.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 11.08.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 13.08.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 15.08.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 18.08.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 20.08.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 22.08.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 25.08.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 27.08.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 29.08.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 01.09.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 03.09.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 05.09.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 08.09.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 10.09.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 12.09.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 15.09.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 17.09.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 19.09.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 22.09.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 24.09.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 26.09.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 29.09.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 01.10.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 03.10.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 06.10.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 08.10.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 10.10.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 13.10.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 15.10.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 17.10.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 20.10.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 22.10.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 24.10.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 27.10.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 29.10.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 31.10.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 03.11.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 05.11.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 07.11.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 10.11.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 12.11.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 14.11.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 17.11.2025 Regular Pauper
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 19.11.2025 Regular Modern
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 21.11.2025 Regular Limited
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 24.11.2025 Regular Pauper

Past Events

Event Date Type Format Participants
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 20.12.2024 Regular Limited
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 18.12.2024 Regular Modern 7
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 16.12.2024 Regular Pauper 5
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 13.12.2024 Regular Limited 8
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 11.12.2024 Regular Modern 7
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 09.12.2024 Regular Pauper 4
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 06.12.2024 Regular Limited 8
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 04.12.2024 Regular Modern 8
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 02.12.2024 Regular Pauper 8
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 29.11.2024 Regular Limited 7
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 27.11.2024 Regular Modern 9
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 25.11.2024 Regular Pauper 4
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 22.11.2024 Regular Limited 7
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 20.11.2024 Regular Modern 7
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 11.11.2024 Regular Pauper 9
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 01.11.2024 Regular Limited
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 30.10.2024 Regular Modern 9
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 28.10.2024 Regular Pauper 6
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 23.10.2024 Regular Modern 11
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 18.10.2024 Regular Limited 6
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 16.10.2024 Regular Modern 7
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 14.10.2024 Regular Pauper 6
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 11.10.2024 Regular Limited 5
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 09.10.2024 Regular Modern 7
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 07.10.2024 Regular Pauper 4
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 04.10.2024 Regular Limited 11
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 02.10.2024 Regular Modern 11
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 30.09.2024 Regular Pauper 5
Weekly Draft Winterthur - 2HG - UntapDraw Fri, 27.09.2024 Other Limited
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 25.09.2024 Regular Modern 9
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 23.09.2024 Regular Pauper 6
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 20.09.2024 Regular Limited 13
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 18.09.2024 Regular Modern 8
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 16.09.2024 Regular Pauper 8
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 13.09.2024 Regular Limited 9
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 11.09.2024 Regular Modern 10
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 09.09.2024 Regular Pauper 7
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 06.09.2024 Regular Limited 11
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 04.09.2024 Regular Modern 10
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 02.09.2024 Regular Pauper 7
Weekly Draft Winterthur 2HG - UntapDraw Fri, 30.08.2024 Other Limited
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 28.08.2024 Regular Modern 5
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 26.08.2024 Regular Pauper 7
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 23.08.2024 Regular Limited 11
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 21.08.2024 Regular Modern 12
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 19.08.2024 Regular Pauper 7
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 12.08.2024 Regular Pauper 5
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 07.08.2024 Regular Modern 6
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 05.08.2024 Regular Pauper 7
Weekly Modern Winterthur (Lagerplatz 6)- UntapDraw Wed, 24.07.2024 Regular Modern 9
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 22.07.2024 Regular Pauper 7
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 19.07.2024 Regular Limited 4
Weekly Modern Winterthur (Lagerplatz 6, 8400 Winterthur!!!) - UntapDraw Wed, 17.07.2024 Regular Modern 9
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 15.07.2024 Regular Pauper 5
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 12.07.2024 Regular Limited 16
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 10.07.2024 Regular Modern 7
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 08.07.2024 Regular Pauper 8
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 05.07.2024 Regular Limited 6
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 03.07.2024 Regular Modern 7
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 01.07.2024 Regular Pauper 9
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 28.06.2024 Regular Limited 7
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 26.06.2024 Regular Modern 7
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 24.06.2024 Regular Pauper 6
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 21.06.2024 Regular Limited 7
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 19.06.2024 Regular Modern 6
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 17.06.2024 Regular Pauper 10
Two-Headed Giant MH3 Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 14.06.2024 Other Limited
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 12.06.2024 Regular Modern 9
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 10.06.2024 Regular Pauper 7
Winti MH3 Pre-release - UntapDraw Fri, 07.06.2024 Regular Limited 14
Winti MH3 Pre-release (POD 2) - UntapDraw Fri, 07.06.2024 Regular Limited 14
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw (19:00) Wed, 05.06.2024 Regional Modern 11
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 03.06.2024 Regular Pauper 7
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 31.05.2024 Regular Limited 10
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 29.05.2024 Regular Modern 8
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 27.05.2024 Regular Pauper 7
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 24.05.2024 Regular Limited 8
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 22.05.2024 Regular Modern 8
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 20.05.2024 Regular Pauper 8
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 17.05.2024 Regular Limited 6
Weekly Draft Winterthur Pod 2 - UntapDraw Fri, 17.05.2024 Regular Limited 6
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 15.05.2024 Regular Modern 9
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 13.05.2024 Regular Pauper 8
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 10.05.2024 Regular Limited 7
Weekly Draft Winterthur pod 2 - UntapDraw Fri, 10.05.2024 Regular Limited 6
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 08.05.2024 Regular Modern 10
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 06.05.2024 Regular Pauper 8
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 03.05.2024 Regular Limited 8
Weekly Draft 2 Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 03.05.2024 Regular Limited 7
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 29.04.2024 Regular Pauper 8
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 26.04.2024 Regular Limited 11
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 24.04.2024 Regular Modern 10
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 22.04.2024 Regular Pauper 6
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 17.04.2024 Regular Modern 7
Pauper Monday Winterthur - UntapDraw Mon, 15.04.2024 Regular Pauper 6
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 12.04.2024 Regular Limited 14
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 10.04.2024 Regular Modern 8
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 05.04.2024 Regular Limited 6
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 03.04.2024 Regular Modern 9
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 27.03.2024 Regular Modern 7
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 22.03.2024 Regular Limited 10
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 20.03.2024 Regular Modern 12
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 15.03.2024 Regular Limited 8
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 13.03.2024 Regular Modern 8
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 08.03.2024 Regular Limited 9
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 06.03.2024 Regular Modern 12
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 01.03.2024 Regular Limited 14
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 28.02.2024 Regular Modern 9
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 23.02.2024 Regular Limited 5
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 21.02.2024 Regular Modern 9
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 16.02.2024 Regular Limited 5
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 14.02.2024 Regular Modern 15
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 07.02.2024 Regular Modern 12
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 02.02.2024 Regular Limited 7
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 31.01.2024 Regular Modern 10
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 26.01.2024 Regular Limited 7
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 24.01.2024 Regular Modern 10
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 19.01.2024 Regular Limited 8
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 17.01.2024 Regular Modern 11
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 10.01.2024 Regular Modern 7
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 20.12.2023 Regular Modern 10
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 15.12.2023 Regular Limited 6
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 13.12.2023 Regular Modern 10
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 08.12.2023 Regular Limited 8
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 06.12.2023 Regular Modern 6
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 01.12.2023 Regular Limited 7
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 29.11.2023 Regular Modern 10
Weekly Draft Winterthur - UntapDraw Fri, 24.11.2023 Regular Limited 9
Weekly Modern Winterthur - UntapDraw Wed, 22.11.2023 Regular Modern 11

Leaderboard of Untapdraw in Season 2025

From Nov. 1, 2024 to Oct. 31, 2025 all Regular and Regional events of Untapdraw played without playoffs in All Formats count for this leaderboard.

A leaderboard with the best players of Untapdraw in Season 2025.

Please note that this leaderboard is for informational purposes only and does not award any prizes, invitations or rewards.

Rank League Points Player Name
1 64 Raphael Schwarzenbach
2 63 Rafael Ghirlanda
3 60 Matthias Blum
4 52 Christoph Stähli
5 48 Gregory Herren
6 39 Felix Moos
7 37 Karel Jilek
9 36 Moriz Hofer
10 33 Christoph Mathis
11 30 Elia Zanetti
12 27 Josuè Vilardaga
13 24 Daniel Gisler
14 24 Philip Buechegger
15 24 Andreas Uselmann
16 24 Stanley Dusek
17 21 Roman Gähler
18 21 Logan Copas
19 21 Cedric Hartmayer
20 18 Andreas Wille
21 12 Adrian Gähler
22 12 Lukas Wipf
23 10 Lukas Rüegg
24 10 Cedric Hartmeyer
25 9 Juli Palomino
26 9 Dominik Leib
27 6 Tizian Olivieri
28 6 Phillip Buchegger
29 6 Johannes Leutenegger
30 6 Daniel Kaiser