La Master

La Master
La Master, C/Molinell, 8, 46010 Valencia, Spain (View on Google Maps)


La Master is a Spanish Store that has already made several RCQs. We opened in september, and we have full them with 32 players (maximun) each, and also FNMs with the same amount of players, specially on modern.

Past Events

Event Date Type Format Participants
FNM Standard La Master WEDNESDAY05MARCH Wed, 05.03.2025 Local Standard 8
Mensual Modern cumpleAdri 02marzo2025 La Master Sun, 02.03.2025 Local Modern 18
RCQ Sellado+Top8draft 01marzo2025 La Master Sat, 01.03.2025 Regional Limited 27
FNM Modern La Master THURSDAY27FEBRUARY Thu, 27.02.2025 Local Modern 16
FNM Standard La Master WEDNESDAY26FEBRUARY Wed, 26.02.2025 Local Standard 10
FNM Modern La Master THURSDAY20FEBRUARY Thu, 20.02.2025 Local Modern 20
FNM Standard La Master WEDNESDAY19FEBRUARY Wed, 19.02.2025 Local Standard 12
DRAFT POD_1_LA MASTER Sun, 16.02.2025 Local Limited 10
DRAFT POD_2_LA MASTER Sun, 16.02.2025 Local Limited 9
DUAL COMMANDER LA MASTER Sun, 16.02.2025 Local Limited 8
FNM Modern La Master THURSDAY14FEBRUARY Thu, 13.02.2025 Local Modern 25
FNM Standard La Master WEDNESDAY12FEBRUARY Wed, 12.02.2025 Local Standard 12
Present Aetherdrift LAMASTER D9FEB Sun, 09.02.2025 Local Limited 20
FNM Modern La Master THURSDAY6FEBRUARY Thu, 06.02.2025 Local Modern 28
RCQ Standard 2feb2025 La Master Sun, 02.02.2025 Regional Standard 26
Minidraft duskmourn Sun, 02.02.2025 Local Limited 6
FNM Modern La Master THURSDAY30JANUARY Thu, 30.01.2025 Local Modern 24
FNM Standard La Master WEDNESDAY29JANUARY Wed, 29.01.2025 Local Standard 14
MONTHLY Modern La Master SUNDAY26JANUARY Sun, 26.01.2025 Local Modern 17
FNM Pauper La Master SATURDAY25JANUARY Sat, 25.01.2025 Local Pauper 7
FNM Modern La Master THURSDAY23JANUARY Thu, 23.01.2025 Local Modern 30
FNM Standard La Master WEDNESDAY22JANUARY Wed, 22.01.2025 Local Standard 13
Modern La Master SUNDAY19JANUARY Sun, 19.01.2025 Local Modern 8
Monthly Duel Commander La Master SATURDAY18JANUARY Sat, 18.01.2025 Local Duel Commander 13
FNM Modern La Master THURSDAY16JANUARY Thu, 16.01.2025 Local Modern 33
FNM Standard La Master WEDNESDAY15JANUARY Wed, 15.01.2025 Local Standard 12

Leaderboard of La Master in Season 2025

From Nov. 1, 2024 to Oct. 31, 2025 all Local and Regional events of La Master played without playoffs in All Formats count for this leaderboard.

A leaderboard with the best players of La Master in Season 2025.

Please note that this leaderboard is for informational purposes only and does not award any prizes, invitations or rewards.

Rank League Points Player Name
1 109 Enrique Juan
2 95 Alberto
3 93 Mario Sanz
4 83 Adrian Garcia
5 77 Melcior Martínez
6 73 Jaime Guillén
7 57 Hector Mateos
8 57 Reula .
9 54 Ferran Ruiz
10 53 Víctor Alfonso
11 51 David Colomino
12 49 Jose Javier Arnal
13 49 Alejandro Marco
14 48 Julio Lahoz Moreno
15 48 Sergio Meseguer
16 48 Antonio Pérez Muñoz
17 48 Rafa G
18 47 Adrian Martin
19 46 Hugo ‎Tarrega
20 45 Manuel Cariñana
21 42 Alejandro Camarasa Ibáñez
22 39 Martí Moreno Candela
23 39 David Pardo
24 39 Jorge Esteban
25 37 Manuel Barnes Fabra
26 36 Alejandro Llorens
27 36 Miguel Talavera
28 34 Miguel Carrascosa Lorente
29 33 De Siro Amadeo De Miguel
30 33 Nilo Herrero
31 33 Sergi Nebot Cuenca
32 31 Francisco Baviera
33 30 Carlos s
34 27 Victor Ayllon Perez
35 27 Hector Hernandez Gisbert
36 24 Carlos Perez
37 21 El Argentinosaurus .
38 21 Víctor Manuel Moreno Hontecillas
39 20 Guille .
40 19 Toni Alcudia
41 18 Vicente
42 18 Victor Garrido
43 18 Alvaro Martinez Ponce
44 18 Balestrini Bueno
45 18 Nacho (Sagaz) Monzó
46 18 Tony Pérez Pavón
47 18 Samuel Morillas Gómez
48 18 Octavio Garcia
49 18 Carlos Cantos
50 18 José Luis Sánchez Delgado
51 18 Gabriel Hidalgo-Barquero
52 15 Ruben Redon Sales
53 15 Rodrigo Vargas
54 15 Joshua Santana
55 15 Fernando Martín Marquiegui
56 15 Jose Vidal Ros
57 15 Sergio Sánchez Ruiz
58 15 Eduardo Toledo Cervera
59 15 Juаn Nøvэя
60 14 Eduardo Coello
61 13 Juan Gallego Vargas
62 13 Ceballos .
63 12 Aitor Aixa
64 12 Alejandro Sanchez
65 12 Pedro Ruiz López
66 12 Borja Riera
67 12 Marcos Serna Eslava
68 12 Carles Fernández González
69 12 Andrea Landi
70 12 Fran Cueto
71 12 Aka esp
72 10 Xuchave Javier Murillo
73 10 Matt Duarte
74 10 Alberto Verdu
75 10 Leo Zuccarello
76 10 Vadim Ivanenko
77 10 Juan M. Ceballos
78 9 Carlos Rubio Galindo
79 9 Alfredo Molina
80 9 Carlos Dasí Juliá
81 9 Ferran Barba Sáez
83 9 Daniel Tordera
84 9 Vulcono
85 9 Chloe Martos López
86 9 Juan Reig
87 9 Pablo Gonzalez
88 9 Poxolo .
89 9 Ángela Franco Torres
90 9 Pablo Fernández
91 9 Fernando Rivera
92 9 Angel Pineda
93 9 Juan González Jurado
94 7 David Salinas
95 6 Pablo Cervera
96 6 Marco Arconada
97 6 Miguel Angel Gil Bernal
98 6 Jorge Rui Z
99 6 Ernest Caballero
100 6 Has Has Has Has
101 6 Cristian García Fernández
102 6 Alejandro Villanueva
103 6 Alex Bargues Raga
104 6 Alejandro Garcia
105 6 Juanlu Morillo
106 6 Lluís Nieto Palazón
107 6 Abelardo Zambrana
108 6 David Olmos
109 6 Juan Enrique Aponte Saelices
110 6 Martín il Vacuo
111 6 Babiloni .
112 6 Marti .
113 6 Elias Daecarys
114 6 Boro Feliu
115 6 Lidia García
116 6 Luis Miguel Martinez
117 6 Kevin Vaquero
118 6 Emiliano Uribes
119 6 Paco Sanguesa .
120 6 Rubén Díaz
121 6 Pepe Garcia
122 6 Luis Galvez Cavalheiro
123 3 Juan Carlos Arellano Olmos
124 3 La Master .
125 3 Miguel .
126 3 Joan Paulo
127 3 Sebastián Gandía
128 3 Mario Lopez Mañas
129 3 Samurai Murciano
130 3 Pablo B
131 3 Alfredo .