Player guide - Swiss Unity League Season 2023

In the following we explain everything you need to know as a player to participate in Switzerland's premier Magic: the Gathering tournament series, Swiss Unity League.


The Swiss Unity League (SUL) is a collaborative tournament series between various Magic: the Gathering event organizers in Switzerland. Only the best players will qualify for the end-of-year 2-day Championship tournament with 2.5k prizes.

Any organizer can register their tournament for the league to make it award League Points. Players need to collect these points in order to qualify for the Championship.

Video Tutorial

Don't like reading? Enjoy a quick tutorial that explains the main concepts of the league.

SUL Invitational 18-19.11.2023

3.5k Prize Pool

*The prizes will be awarded in the form of Cardmarket coupons.

In March 2023 Cardmarket announced the revocation of Cardmarket coupons. However we have a deal with Cardmarket, so that we can still hand out coupons as prizes.

How to Qualify

The season for the SUL will run from 1st of January 2023 to 31st of October 2023. During that time all tournaments participating at SUL will award Qualification Points (QPs). The top 40 players who earn the most QPs will qualify at the end of the season.

Update on 07.10.2023: The number of players qualifying for the SUL Invitational has been increased to 40.
Reason: Due to increased attendance in recent months, and the last-minute addition of three SUL Premier events, we've concluded that a cap of 32 qualifying players is too small.

End of League Scenario

Tournament Structure

Location: Good Games, Parkterrasse 14, 3012 Bern, Switzerland

Entry: Free, but only qualified players can participate.

REL: Competitive

Decklists: Open decklists for Modern, closed decklists for Draft

Draft: Timed draft according to MTR, with 25 minutes for deck registration and construction.


There will be a 30-minute lunch break on both days. There is no cut to day 2.

How to participate

Tell your local tournament organizer (TO) about our league and show them the Guide for Organizers page! Your TO will then register their local events for the league so you can start collecting Qualification Points at those events.

Qualification Points

Players can earn Qualification Points (QPs) at all tournaments participating in the league. QPs are awarded in the following three ways:

Tournament Types

There are 3 types of tournaments (SUL Local, Regional, and Premier). Your local tournament organizer will assign one of these 3 types to each tournament they organize. Depending on the type of tournament, a different number of QPs will be awarded to the participants.

SUL Local

All normal events (weekly, FNM, Prerelease) at your local store or association are SUL Local events.

SUL Regional

SUL Regional events are medium-sized events for which people travel all around your canton to attend them. For each format your local tournament organizers can organize one of these events per month (1 Modern, 1 Limited, 1 Standard, etc. per month). SUL Regional events can be with or without a top 8.

SUL Premier

SUL Premier events are meant to be huge tournaments for which people travel all around Switzerland. To make those events feel special and exciting your local tournament organizer can only host up to 2 of these events per year.

SUL Multiplier

Each of the 3 tournament types has a different multiplier that increases the number of Qualification Points the players earn. SUL Local events have a multiplier of 1x, SUL Regional 4x, and SUL Premier 6x. The QPs earned for match points and participation (but not for playoffs) are multiplied with the given multiplier for the tournament.

Tournament Type Multiplier Playoffs Events per organizer
Local 1x No unlimited
Regional 4x Optional for each format 1x per month
Premier 6x Yes 2x per year

Over the course of the season a player can earn a maximum of 500 QPs with all SUL Local events combined, further points will be ignored. With SUL Regional and Premier events a player can earn an unlimited amount of points.

Qualification Points with Playoffs

Events with playoffs award additional Qualification Points according to the schema below. For SUL Premier events running a top 8 is mandatory. For SUL Regional events the tournament organizer can decide if they wish to run their event with playoffs or not (top 4 or top 8 depends on the number of players).

The QPs for 9th-12th and 13th-16th are only awarded if the tournament has more than 32 or 48 participants.

Place Qualification Points
Regional Premier
1st 100 500
2nd 60 300
3rd/4th 40 200
5th-8th 30 150
9th-12th (>32 Participants) 15 75
13th-16th (>48 Participants) 10 50


Chandra plays a SUL Premier event (multiplier 6x) at her local gaming store with 41 participants. During the 5 Swiss rounds she manages to get 3 wins, 2 losses, and 1 draw (10 match points). She places 11th in the overall ranking. Therefore she receives 60 QPs (6x10) for the match points, 18 QPs (6x3) just for participating. Since the event has more than 32 players, she receives an additional 75 QPs for placing 11th. With this event she earns a grand total of 153 QPs.


The best performing players at the league are awarded byes (free wins in the first rounds) for the invitational tournament at the end of the year. A player can have at maximum 2 byes, further byes will be ignored. Players can earn byes in the following ways:

How do we finance this ?

In addition to sponsorships, tournament organizers will pay a small fee for each participant of the Regional and Premier events they organize. For detailed information, see Guide for Organizers!
